Journal: ardencho
Aim: #newamericanas

More about me:

Born in Amarillo, Texas, Arden moved around more than she expected than she would. Not that she minded. She spent most of her childhood in Dallas and her teenage years in Minnesota. Her parents were photographers, pretty expensive, however renowned ones. During high school, she was blessed with the opportunity of taking every possible classes possible, from music and art to martial arts. With supportive parents, a younger brother, a lot of passions for extra-curricular issues, Arden had more than time and opportunities to get to know herself and find her aptitude and while she enjoyed music and painting, she found her true passion in writing.

It started with a journal, poetry and prose about her feelings, meetings, people around her. There is family drama, no life twisting event aside from the constant reminder of her being a minority. Stereotypes, not many people to share her roots with made her feel quite alone. She took a time after high school to take writing courses and figure out what exactly she wanted to do for in university. She sent a few pieces to newspapers and magazines, having two, three articles about culture and personal experiences published and she was more than excited to pursue the career.

It was this sentiment of missing familiarity that made Arden apply to Yonsei in the first place. Journalism was the major and Zeta Tau Alpha was the sorority. The parties were appealing for the 20 year old, the girls were fun to be around, so she pledged. It was a very interesting couple of years until she graduated. What was interesting enough is that she didn't leave. Wanting to deepen her knowledge in the matters she was passionate it, she applied for her Masters program. Due to her outstanding grades and performances during her bachelor years, she was offered a scholarship and she took it. Now, in her first year of International and Intercultural Communication Masters, she has hearts instead of eyes and she's loving every second of it.
She's a very confident, calm, sweet girl. Full of hearts, full of !, full of excitement. Unlike her undergraduate years self, she currently is way calmer and less of a party girl than she used to be. Now she's older, she's wiser. Knowing better doesn't mean she won't drink, she won't party, but it does mean she's absolutely more careful and less wild than she used to be 4 years ago. Arden is a social person, but she enjoys time alone with her thoughts and journals just as much or maybe more than she enjoys to hang out. Give her breathing time.

She is often honest, but tends to have a little trouble (a lot of trouble) talking about her feelings in depth. Might be naive sometimes.

Arden plays the cello, has great taekwondo skills and she doodles. Currently, however, she has her plate full with writing articles and see if they can be released on more magazines and newspapers, so those are not priorities for her right now.